early removal of sleeping limbs

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early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by arnal »

Good morning ,
I installed the userreminder extension on the forum.
Everything worked great.
I manually removed 3500 members who had never posted since 2014 to 2020.
but the cron function was reactive since I am waiting for 4370 mail.
Therefore, the users having been deleted, the cron function must not be able to send emails and must be blocked.
If I deactivate the extension, and reactivate it, will the cron program update the real member information and refresh the list of pending emails.

I hope to be clear in my request,
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by Mike-on-Tour »

There is only one possible way to prevent the cron function from sending the mails currently in the mail queue:
If you do feel comfortable with phpMyAdmin you can use it to purge (NOT delete) the table phpbb_mot_userreminder_remind_queue (if you do not use phpbb_ as your table prefix please use yours instead).

De-activating and then again activating the extension will accomplish nothing since the data is still in the tables, this would only work if after de-activation you delete the extension data and then activate it again, but this way you will loose all your other data as well.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by arnal »

Good morning
I'm not familiar with phpmyadmin. So I don't know the process and the methodology to empty this table.
I have not touched this table in 10 years, having never had any problems.
Can you tell me a procedure to do this, or explain to me the risks of using the 2nd method which is not very recommended.
Thank you and have a good day.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by Mike-on-Tour »

For the first method you need to open phpMyAdmin which you can access through the management tool of your provider (since those are different with the different providers I can not tell you exactly how to do this).
After opening it you click on your database which opens the list of tables contained in it. Then you scroll down until you see the line with the mentioned table. In this line you can see several actions one of which is "Purge". Just click that and the table is empty and the cron job will stop sending e-mails.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by arnal »

Good evening
I went to my database, I listed all the tables, and I did not see the "word_userreminder_remind_queue".

So I did a search on the table. it gives me 0 results.
As I'm a little cautious, I gave up, not wanting to make an irreparable mistake.
Too bad, I'll leave it like that, but I don't think any inactive members receive any mail.
I'm going to modify the email address of a member who hasn't logged in for 5 years and put one of my email addresses and I'll see if I receive any mail from the forum.
Thanks for what you do, it's cool.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by Mike-on-Tour »

That is pretty weird, if the table table_prefix_mot_userreminder_remind_queue does not exist something must have gone wrong during activation.

What software did you use to upload the extensions files to your server? And what data transfer method is set in this software? phpBB extensions need to be uploaded in the binary mode which afaik at least in FileZilla needs to be explicitly set.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by arnal »

Good morning ,
I use fillzilla and in binary mode.
I rechecked the installation on the FTP and everything seems correct to me compared to the help file.

I checked again this morning and I don't have this table in my phpmyadm.
able_prefix_mot_userreminder_remind_queue table does not exist in my phpmyadmin .
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by Mike-on-Tour »

What version of Userreminder do you use? If you have ver 1.4.0 or above and there is no such table the installation is incomplete and the cron job can not work properly since this table is missing.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by arnal »

Good morning
I installed the version
word_userreminder_1.7.0 .
I put it with my FTP in binary mode in ext /mot/userreminder.
But I checked again, I don't see the table.
So, it may have been installed incorrectly.
what could be the best solution to solve this problem.
I thank you for your patience .
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by Mike-on-Tour »

If the installation did not work correctly there is only one way: Disable the extension, delete its data, check whether all files are uploaded to the server and then enable it again.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by arnal »

Good evening
So I deactivated the extension, deleted them and reloaded the extension.
I went to the database and there I found the tyros_mot_userreminder_remind_queue table.

Magnificent . I hope everything works fine now.

Thank you for your patience and dedication.
Tomorrow my forum tyros.fr will be 10 years old.
Have a good evening
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by Mike-on-Tour »

Sounds good, and hopefully it will work now as intended.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by arnal »

It seems to me, afterward I don't know if they received this message.
but the forum does the job.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by Mike-on-Tour »

Looks like it is working.
If you do not have any messages about e-mails in your phpBB error log (ACP -> Maintenance) they should have been sent.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by arnal »

Good morning

No error messages on the maintenance tab.
automatic backup also works.

Thank you for your help and good luck.
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Re: early removal of sleeping limbs

Post by Mike-on-Tour »

Thanks for posting the result.
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